This resource is available free of charge to University affiliates, landlords, property managers, Realtors and approved guests who wish to search for local rentals or list an available rental property.
Our staff is also available for consultations with University affiliates who would appreciate guidance navigating the private rental market.
We are also happy to provide assistance to property owners, managers and Realtors who may have questions regarding the process.
To search for rentals, Princeton affiliates may log-in with their PU net ID and password. New users without a Princeton net ID may 'sign up' for a 'Guest' account.
Individual landlords, property managers and Realtors with properties to offer for rent may sign up as a 'Property Manager'.
Please be aware of and comply with any rental regulations within your municipality.
For questions regarding the site or to schedule a consultation please contact:
Housing & Real Estate Services fshsg@princeton.edu
For technical support email:offcampus@costar.com